Bryce Dallas Howard was my worst-dressed pick for the MTV Movie Awards. Yeah, I know she’s pregnant and that should ensure that she gets a pass. But Bryce simply has terrible style, all the time. Remember when she wore this to Cannes just a few weeks ago? It was an oversized smock made out of stiff-looking tapestry material. And as for this J. Crew dress…I’m sorry, there are lots and lots of cute maternity clothes that don’t look like Pepto-Bismol vomit. I just don’t get why anyone would want to look like this, why anyone would say “Hey, that fug pink thing with the little rope belt! I WANT THAT.”
That being said, I don’t really get Bryce Dallas Howard in general. I get that she’s Ron Howard’s daughter and that she’s trying to make a name for herself on her own, and hey, she actually won last night (Best Fight) and she got a shout-out from Sparkles (“It’s ok, I ripped your head off and now you’re pregnant!”). But it feels like… eh. She doesn’t need to exist in Hollywood. She brings nothing to the table. She can’t even dress in a cute outfit for a red carpet.